3rd Workshop “Memory without borders”

2013/03/18 – 2013/03/20 all-day
Bratislava Castle
811 01 Bratislava

Na sútoku riek

Život na slovensko-rakúskom pohraničí

Dejiny Slovenska a Rakúska sú prepletené mnohými spoločnými koreňmi. Cieľom konferencie je priblížiť vzájomnú interakciu medzi Slovenskom a Rakúskom v rôznych oblastiach života od najstarších čias až do konca 20. storočia.

Tematické okruhy:

→ slovensko-rakúske vzťahy v archívnych dokumentoch

→ vybrané aspekty politického, hospodárskeho, vojenského,  kultúrneho a sociálneho života

→ geopolitický priestor Dolného Rakúska a západného Slovenska a ich vzájomná interakcia

→ Morava a Dunaj – element, ktorý spája i rozdeľuje

→ významné slovenské osobnosti politického, hospodárskeho a kultúrneho života pôsobiace v Rakúsku (a vice versa)

→ osveta (spolky, združenia, publikácie, vzdelávanie, atď.)

Registrácia účastníkov info[at]crossborderarchives.eu


19 March 2013, Tuesday

9.00 Greetings: The State Archives in Bratislava, Slovak National Museum, Department of Archives

9.30-9.50 Corinna Ziegler (ICARUS): The ETC „Memory without borders.“ A multiplier for cross border cooperation of Slovak and Austrian Archives

9.50-10.10 Richard Marsina (The University of Trnava in Trnava): Diplomatarium

10.10-10.30 Vladimír Rábik (The University of Trnava in Trnava): Ut meatus Danubii debet esse limes regionum. An attempt to the new organization of the Hungarian kingdom after extinction of the Arpad dynasty

10.30-10.50 Juraj Šedivý (Comenius University in Bratislava): Danube and medieval Bratislava – good servant and bad master

10.50-11.10 Peter Pišút (Comenius University in Bratislava): The Danube at Slovak-Austrian border region

11.10-11.30 Coffee break

11.30-11.50 Ján Lukačka (Comenius University in Bratislava): Bratislava – Hainburg – Wien. Three good neighbours on the same river

11.50-12.10 Miriam Hlavačková (Institute of History of Slovak Academy of Sciences): Scholars from Lower Austria in Bratislava close to the end of Middle Ages

12.10–13.10 Lunch break

13.10-13.30 Jozef Baďurík (Comenius University in Bratislava): Ferdinand I. Habsburg, between Wien and Bratislava

13.30-13.50 Mária Zacharová (The State Archives in Bratislava): On the borders of the Bratislava County and Austria in the 18th century

13.50-14.10 Pavol Vrablec (Town centre of culture, Museum of M. Tillnera in Malacky): The ferry boat in Veľké Leváre

14.10-14.30 Veronika Nováková (The State Archives in Bratislava, branch in Šaľa): Business relationships between towns on Žitný ostrov and Wien in the 17th to the 19th century

14.30-14.50 Ján Kúkel (Archives of the Capital of the Slovak Republic Bratislava): Battle for wine. Conflict between Bratislava and Lower Austria on export and import of the wine at the beginning of the 17th century

14.50-15.10 Tomáš Tandlich (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra): Craftsmen in price limitation of the Bratislava County (1704)

15.10-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-15.50 Maroš Mačuha (The Bratislava Beautification Association): Barons Révay, their friends and familiarity between Slovakia and Austria in the 16th and the 17th century

15.50-16.10 Ivana Fialová (Slovak National Archives): On the road Wien – Holíč – Šaštín. Influence of the central goverment in Wien on the development of the imperial domains Holíč a Šaštín

16.10-16.30 Vladimír Segeš (Institute of Military History): Hungarian-Austrian border region during the War of the Fourth coalition in 1809

16.30-16.50 Roman Holec (Comenius University in Bratislava, Institute of History of Slovak Academy of Sciences): Slovak servant on the court of Franz Joseph I. (Anton Szmolen 1856 – 1939)

16.50-17.10 Tina Sámelová (Archives of the Capital of the Slovak Republic Bratislava): Wimmers – the sonde into the life of the business family from Bratislava

17.10-17.30 Discussion

20 March 2013, Wednesday

9.00-9.20 Karl Heinz (ICARUS): Family Wienerwelten – Crossborder activity between March and Danube

9.20-9.40 Ladislav Vrteľ (Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic -Department of Archives): Herald with two tabards

9.40-10.00 Elena Kurincová (Bratislava City Museum): The city and the monarchy – musealization of the relationships

10.00-10.20 Zuzana Francová (Bratislava City Museum): Utilities of Viennese provenance in the interiors of burgesses in Bratislava before 1918

10.20-10.50 Coffee break

10.50-11.10 Daniela Kodajová (Institute of History of Slovak Academy of Sciences): „From Danube to Tatras“ – reflections of Slovak romantics on the border and country where Slovaks lived

11.10-11.30 Michal Habaj (The University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius): Image of Austrian emperors in work of Jozef Maliak

11.30-11.50 Igor Zmeták (Slovak National Library): Friesenhofs and Brodzany

11.50-12.10 Slávka Otčenášová (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice): Image of Austrian people in Czechoslovak and Slovak school-books of the history published in the 20th century

12.10-13.10 Lunch break

13.10-13.30 Stefan Mach (Austrian State Archives): Military registers in the Austrian State Archives and their historical relevance for the Austrian-Slovak border region

13.30-13.50 Jana Zaťková (Institute of Military History): Prisoners of war from officers and their life in captivity in the region of the 5th corps headquarter in Bratislava during the First World War

13.50-14.10 Juraj Valent: Local border traffic in the Slovak-Austrian border region. Borders and inhabitants during the First Czechoslovak Republic

14.10-14.30 Peter Chorvát (Institute of Military History): The construction of the Czechoslovak border fortification in Bratislava bridgehead and in the region Záhorie (1933-1938)

14.30-14.50 Marián Manák (Institute of History of Trnava University): The postwar fate of Austria and Slovakia in Allied hands

14.50-15.10 Milan Katuninec (The University of Trnava in Trnava): Cooperation between Slovak and Austrian catholic trade unions

15.10-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-15.50 David Schriffl (Austrian Academy of Sciences): Austrian-Slovak relations. Cooperative neighbours or impassable border? An underestimated neighbourhood examined

15.50-16.10 Daniela Tvrdoňová (Slovak national archives): Slovak reemigrants from Austria after 1945 and their lifes

16.10-16.30 Pavel Vimmer (The State Archives in Bratislava): Illegal border crossings of the soldiers and officers across Slovak-Austrian border after February 1948

16.30-16.50 Matej Medvecký (The Nation´s Memory Institute): Focused across the Danube: Czechoslovak Foreign Intelligence Service and Austria at the beginning of the Cold War

16.50-17.10 René Pawera (Comenius University in Bratislava) a František Vojtech (The University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius): Selected aspects of the Slovak-Austrian political and economical relations

17.10-17.30 Discussion